
Detail of a panel the book-case of the Bangkok period

Tosakan (Ravana), King of the demons, holding a vase containing the elixir of life with which having restored the lives of the dead Yakshas (demons) resumes the fight against Rama's army. Noticeable is the imposing majestic elephant which strides with great vitality against his master's foes.
War scene, detail A king driving the typical barge-like chariot commonly used by the Thai royalty in state ceremonies. Bangkok workmanship.

Group of sleeping musician-girls

Detail of a panel the book-case of the Bangkok period. The composition representing Prince Siddhartha leaving his wife, Princess Yasodhara and his newly born child to retire to ascetic life,
shows two distinct styles, Prince Siddhartha and his wife are drawn in classic style, while the sleeping musicians-girls are treated in the peculiar charming realistic Thai style. The difference in treatment denotes personages of high rank and commoners. Note the finesse of the architectural ornaments.

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