
The buffalo Torapee attacked by Palee, king of the monkeys

A sence from the Ramayana epic. Hanuman combatting with a royal demon. The posture and gesture of the figures rendered in classic style are very similar to those of classic theatrical characters.
Two monkeys fighting
Although very stylised the Thai designs always have a remarkable vitality.

Align CenterSide panel if a book-case, formerly used to a keep garments of Ayudhaya period. Although too minute, the design is pure classic. The rhythm of the ornaments is perfectly related to the strong
movement of the two fantastic animals fighting with each other.

The design has already characteristic of a later production, But it is still a fine composition. It represents the buffalo Torapee attacked by Palee, king of the monkeys. The fury of the buffalo shakes the vegetation giving to the conventionalized design the sense of a real scene.

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